Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pest Analysis of Italy

PEST abbreviation of Italy 1) Political purlieu From the political menses of view Italy is an ideal country where to merchandise our product. It has hefty international relationships, especially with former(a) EU countries where we are already posture and with the USA. There are no restrictions to the importee or the exportation of capitals and goods. The accounting system of rules follows the International Accounting Standards (IAS), the same adopted by all EU countries, and instead similar to the Ameri pecks frequent Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).There is a perpetual political regime with a multi-party system, which can ensure the certainty of law and the obedience of contractual rights. However lawsuits tend to be lasting and expensive, and this could represent a jeopardy in case of a contractual breach. 2) sparing Environment The Italian Economic Environment is also quite good for our project. Italian economy is based on services and industry. The per capi ta GDP is $30. 200, that is not luxuriously as in the United States ($44. 00), exclusively which is however enough to ensure the state with the possibility to save some of their work out for the acquisition of expensive products. In summation income is better distributed than in the US facial expression at the Gini Index, Italy has a 36 and US possess a 45 (where 0 agent equally distributed and 100 means unequally distributed). If we bear in pass the different dimensions of the two countries all the otherwise economic indicators can be considered similar. and the Unemployment rate is a little subprogram higher in Italy, 7% against 4. 0%, but it is not very relevant. 3) ethnic and Social Actually Italy has a macrocosm of 58. 147. 733 inhabitants. The 98. 4% of them are literates, and the 66. 4% of them are aged between 15 and 64 years. It must be highlighted the fact that in Italy are present 72. 200. 000 mobile headphones Italians have a strong culture of continuousl y being locatable, and for this reason they in number hold 1,25 mobile phones. 4) Technological Environment We are not interested in assembling our product directly in Italy, but just n import it from the countries where we have already established some plants. For such reason, from a technological battery-acid of view, we are mainly interested in the level of transportation and telecommunication infrastructures, kind of than in the research intensity or in the university system. Italy actually has 19. 459 km of railways (16th in the world), 484. 688 km of roadways (11th in the world), and 133 airports distributed on the territory. The telephone system is modern and well developed, facsimile machine is widely used and mobile sign covers almost all the italian territory.

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