Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Leadership Models Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership Models - Assignment Example In the 21st century and a greater part of the 19th century leadership has become an exercise void of coercion. Scholars have in the recent past; therefore, put forth lucrative ideas as to how one should describe leadership. The English philosopher Herbert Spencer states that society defines leadership; meaning leaders and their subsequent leadership traits are a product of pre-existing, existing and future societal rules, laws and norms. Granted, this description takes into account the subjective nature of all dynamic societies (Kellerman, 2004). Types of leadership Based on Herbert Spencer’s description it is imperative that there exists various forms of leadership to satisfy the different set of societal circumstances. There are, therefore, various forms of leadership styles that may occur in both the formal and informal setting. Discussed herein are four types of leadership: Autocratic leadership Bureaucratic leadership Democratic leadership Delegative leadership Transforma tional leadership I) Autocratic leadership Autocratic leadership is the form of leadership where the person in power exercises full control over individuals. Decisions are enforced by rewards and the fear of punishment. Also, communication tends to be primarily in one direction that is, from the leaders to the followers. The followers in this case have little control over matters even those very personal to them. This is because the leader allows very little or no input at all to the decisions they make (Clawson (2006). Application in work setting: Autocratic leadership does not provide for consultation and is, therefore, very beneficial when a project requires quick decision-making. Such projects are usually time sensitive or of weighty ethical significance such that one cannot afford to engage in controversial consultation. Change in society is inevitable but there are forces that hold it back. In a situation where quick change is needed this is the best form of leadership to adop t as it does not give room for stalling. The leader should be the most knowledgeable member of the group in order to cement their assertiveness. However, this form of leadership can cause followers to be subject to abuse by the leader. This is because the leader has so much power on their side. Secondly societies under this form of leadership are not cohesive as there is always conflict between the followers and the leaders. Finally, progression is hindered when autocratic leadership is in play. In most cases the leader makes decisions on their own, disregarding other peoples opinions that may be more lucrative hence hindering creativity (Kellerman, 2004). II) Bureaucratic Leadership In bureaucratic leadership, the leader is keen on ensuring that followers adhere to rules, regulations and procedures in an accurate and consistent manner. This leadership style emerges from the transactional theories, which base leadership on a system of rewards and punishments. The leader in this case expects that followers conduct themselves in a formal manner towards each other and even those outside their setting. The leader has certain distinct privileges that set them apart from the rest. This feature causes this form of leadership to be big on titles and roles. Adhering to the set rules results in reward while going against them may result in punishment or exclusion. This form of leadership flourishes over long periods and is, therefore,

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