Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Machiavelli’s The Prince Essay

In Machiavelli’s The Prince, he dove into how a sovereign could defense his position once he arrives at the top. One of the numerous methods of how to make sure about a prince’s position is triumph by criminal righteousness. In success by criminal prudence, Michiavelli said that a sovereign makes sure about his position when he arrives at the top since it requires some investment and a great deal of difficult work to thrive. So to ensure nobody removes their position, the ruler pounds his rivals and wins respect from the individuals however much as could reasonably be expected. The ruler additionally makes less trade offs with their partners, attempting to remain solitary since he accepts he is more adequate and more grounded than the others. A ruler should likewise realize how to change orders. This may cause devastation since individuals who profited the old request may contradict the sovereign yet he should have the ability to drive the individuals to keep supporting him despite the fact that they are as of now thinking again. So for what reason does this continue despite the fact that each legislator and each resident who thinks judiciously realizes this is indecent. We people are normally determined by our long for influence, distinction and fortune. We put aside virtues and moral qualities just to extinguish our personal circumstances. Government officials follow up on it since they realize this is the most effortless approach to dispense with a danger. This is a changeless thing so when an adversary stops to exist, he’s for all time gone from the opposition and this gives the other government official a genuine feelings of serenity since he realizes that he will win without a doubt in the event that he has no rival. Residents don't follow up on this since first, residents that have a place with the lower class are apprehensive. How might they conflict with somebody so ground-breaking that this individual could take their existence with only a snap of their fingers? The range and degree of influence of this sort of legislator is ambiguous that it may reach out to having the advantage and authority over hoodlums and we never recognize what he will do just to protect his influence, distinction and fortune. Second, most residents who think about an inappropriate doings of this government official is paid and given a great deal of encouragements for their help and quiet. As I stated, we people are normally determined by our appetite by fortune. For individuals who don't work and put stock in picking up cash from a genuine activity, this is the most helpful method of procuring cash since they don’t need to do anything besides tay quiet, get a couple of things done for the government official and compose the politician’s name on their polling form each time he runs for a seat. There is likewise the way that when neighborhood residents bolster this legislator, they are more made sure about and all around ensured. Individuals who attempt to conflict with these nearby residents would as of now feel undermine heretofore in light of the fact that the lawmaker will back them up in part of their arrangement for the mystery of the politician’s grimy work. This is one of the most corrupt acts acted in legislative issues, however one that by one way or another we can never dispose of.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Organizational Changes in the Movie Patton (1970) Review

Hierarchical Changes in the Patton (1970) - Movie Review Example The film can show not simply the character of the fundamental hero as being impervious to change, yet additionally his activities that represented the moment of truth his vocation (Schaffner, 1970). Such differential reactions to changes inside the association are significant learning devices for the investigation of changes. It is relevant to read the requirement for changes inside hierarchical structures, for this situation the military association just as inside every one of its individuals. This is on the grounds that as a general rule, being not able to react rapidly to changes could bring about various perilous circumstances that may influence towards rout (Davies, 2001). The outcomes of the hero, General Patton mirror the significance of the pioneers being adaptable and open for changes, just as obliging recommendations from different sources, for example, individuals with a more significant position authority. In the film, there are three key minutes that show an authoritative change. The first is when General Patton needs to share the order of troops in North Africa with an individual from the British Army, General Montgomery, and the previous needed to outmaneuver and beat the British General so he would be perceived as the better man for the activity (Schaffner, 1970). The second one that demonstrated a hierarchical change is when as opposed to putting General Patton out in the bleeding edges of the German armed force, he and his soldiers were sent to England to go about as baits to give foes different thoughts of their strategies, also keeping Patton off the beaten path (Schaffner, 1970). ... With the universal war previously finished, Patton wound up doing nothing else to do except for walk his pooch, with him turning into a resonating name in the US military history. In the entirety of the three hierarchical changes, the fundamental hero was fairly hesitant to modify as indicated by the progressions required in the strategies that the military needed to embrace. Accordingly, there had been restructurings inside the levels of leadership, in any event, removing him of this connection just with the goal that the partners could execute their own military system. It has been a reverberating topic in the film that Patton is exceptionally disobedient with his boss officials, in any event, challenging them unmitigatedly (Schaffner, 1970). His solid protection from changes may have been viable in certain territories, yet not to other people. Additionally, such opposition could turn into an obligation over the long haul since with regards to strategies, as a general rule those th at can make minor alterations remain on top of things. Getting stale inside a military association could demonstrate lethal, particularly when numerous lives are in question (Farrell and Terriff, 2002). Accordingly, it is only that the predominant officials of Patton, President Eisenhower and the previous second-in-order, General Bradley started changes since beside keeping the levels of leadership as organized as could reasonably be expected, by evacuating factors that could signify the unconventionality of their strategies the gatherings could do their missions as arranged. Notwithstanding, in light of the fact that Patton was irrefutably a gifted tank strategist, he was not kept out of missions that much, and in truth Bradley even prescribed for him to come back to the power and have his administrations enrolled (Schaffner, 1970). This shows the limit

Thursday, July 30, 2020

What the Hell Are You Talking About

What the Hell Are You Talking About What are you talking about? We usually posit this question when were confused, as in I dont know what youre talking about! Please explain.  But what if we thought about that question in a different way? What if we thought about it literally, as in What things am I talking about?  For example, Are the things Im talking about making a difference? Are the things Im talking about contributing to others in a meaningful way? Are the things Im talking about allowing me to grow as a human being? Or, are the things Im talking about fueling the fire? Am I spreading rumors and gossip and adding no value to the overall conversation? Am I part of the disease or the cure, the problem or the solution? If its the latter, then we need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, What are you talking about?  You see, its okay to be wrongâ€"we are human after allâ€"but its not okay to be wrong about the same thing over and over again. And when were done talking, we must to take action, for action is far more important than talk. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Analysis Of The Book 1776 By David Mccullough Essay

There is a fascinating book called 1776 by David McCullough; which is his tenth Book he has written on the subject. In this exciting novel he describes several significant issues that George Washington had to overcome to secure his ultimate victory in 1783. The book also describes the first year of the American Revolution, specifically the triumph of Boston and the failure at New York. The lack of morale while the war waged on, which affected the ability of the troops to fight. Then a hugely successful attack on Trenton, and how that help saved the revolution. The author starts by describing the challenges of creating and maintaining an army and then developing and drilling a military force that will be disciplined in the field of battle. There were three major issues that General George Washington faced while leading the continental army during the year seventeen seventy six. The first problem was that the men were not from the regular army and lack military discipline, an example of this is poor cleanliness, which led to several health problems that included a round of diseases that spread throughout the camp which became known as camp fever. Then there was the fact that George Washington and his officers were not well trained and made several bad military decisions, such as the Boston encampment. The second major issue included a lack of supplies, specifically gunpowder, which made up only less than ten thousand pounds, and a number of times the Continental Army wentShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book 1776 By David Mccullough1816 Words   |  8 Pages1776 by David McCullough Book Review 1776, a non-fiction historical book, is written by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough. The book revolves around the American Revolution, hence the title 1776, and it accurately shows the course of actions that have taken place in that year. 1776 is displays how America became an independent nation and what the individuals during that time had to go through to gain access to freedom and liberty. The Continental Congress approved the Declaration ofRead More1776 by David Mccullough Book Summary Essay707 Words   |  3 PagesBook Review on: 1776 by David McCullough The Non-Fiction Historical Book 1776 By David McCullough is a historically accurate and in depth view of The American Revolution; starting from The Battle of Bunker Hill, Boston, Brooklyn, New York, Fort Washington, and ending its Analysis at the Battle of Trenton in 1776. There are many fascinating features, trends, themes, and characteristics used in 1776 that make the book a fluent and enjoyable read. Also the book gives a very detailed and informativeRead MoreGeorge Washingtons 1776: The Battle of Dorchester Heights1111 Words   |  5 Pagesages.† setting the stage for David McCullough’s book, â€Å"1776†, a historical narrative that avoided academic debates. His thesis being a tight narrative focused around the Continental Army and their leader George Washington. McCullough continued his popular writing techniques of character building by tracing the roads, reading the books, and seeing the houses of his key characters as they would have in their lifetim es. These techniques can be seen in his many list of books such as: â€Å"Path between theRead MorePatriotism and People Who Commit Acts of Civil Disobedience Essay2107 Words   |  9 Pagesfree nation of rights. Definition of Civil Disobedience Taking the two components of the term separately, ‘civil’ refers to matters involving the populace or citizens while ‘disobedience’ refers to breaches of the law (Brownlee). This brief analysis hardly does the term justice, however, for its political, individual, and social implications. The political philosopher John Rawls defined it as â€Å"a public, non-violent and conscientious breach of law undertaken with the aim of bringing about a changeRead More George Washington: Flaws and All Essay example2098 Words   |  9 Pagestaught that George Washington was this man of great disposition, no man is without his flaws. Many scholars have sought to enlighten individuals to these cracks in the Nation’s perspective of our first president. The following composition will give an analysis of literature that shows George Washington was in consistent regarding his views on slavery. Although Washington is well-known for his many political accomplishments litt le is spoken about his views regarding slavery. George Washington

Sunday, May 10, 2020

The 30-Second Trick for Evaluation Essay over Track Samples

The 30-Second Trick for Evaluation Essay over Track Samples There opinions might be biased sometimes but in addition, there are some that could be valid due to the objective criteria adopted in the span of the review. It is possible to also do some investigating to learn more about the points to discuss as a way to present a logical and compelling review. Track teaches you that there's almost always a bright side to each circumstance. You need specific reasons and evidence to strengthen your judgment. Performance reviews are an essential feature in any organization because it determines the upcoming development of an employee. Writing College research papers College courses demand various sorts of writing that employ a number of strategies for various audiences. Getting Started The very first step towards writing a superior research paper is to organize what's to be written. Few weeks of constant work and you'll be writing expert material! The Nuiances of Evaluation Essay o ver Track Samples You may use the next sample appraisals that could help you in the approach. You have to spell out how you had the ability to produce the evaluation including the specification of the things which you've considered within the entirety of the evaluation and writing process. Besides task outcomes, employee behavior ought to be a distinct category an employee is evaluated in. Since an evaluation essay isn't only part of college essay examples as it may also be utilized in company and company processes, you must understand the weight of its effectiveness. It is going to also be easier that you produce an evaluation that could be trusted by your readers. An evaluation is an assessment of particular topics or subjects typically conducted for a certain function. Outcomes evaluation is a continuous course of action. Top Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Secrets The intention of the outline is to supply you with a blueprint' of the paper and effortless reference when writing. The program can generate an entire essay in under a second, dependent on a few keywords. There is an extensive number of evaluation essay examples that are especially created for specific purposes. Give a concise illustration of what is going to be discussed in the review and proceed to the thesis. It is possible to also have a look at our Scholarship Essay templates. To start with, make an evaluation essay outline. The Fundamentals of Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Revealed Because it is a group of essays, you can pick this up and read what you require, when you require it. Some are classics that you may already own. Sample evaluation essay will be able to help you to compose your mind what you wish to write. To steer clear of common essay mistakes, a number of the situations that you should always remind yourself when writing an evaluation essay are given below. Evaluation essays work best in case the readers can determine the sources you have used to develop the assessment which they're currently reading. If you got stuck with how to compose an evaluation essay here you'll find any kind of essays. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Is Wrong Reading samples of response papers is also an additional way by which you can easily learn how to compose a reaction paper to documentary. Anyway, your reaction may also make an overall address to the whole documentary without picking parts. The introduction is easily the most appealing way of the way to begin a movie review, and contains the overview of the film and opinion which will be stated. The introd uction for a movie review needs to be appealing, so the reader can find the feel of wanting to read more. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Evaluation Essay over Track Samples Typically, the writer is provided a set of criteria to base their evaluation regarding a specific experience. Since the primary purpose of an evaluation essay is to relay your viewpoint about a particular subject, you've got to ensure you'll be precise and concise when delivering the message you want your readers to be knowledgeable of. There are various types of evaluation essays and you ought to bear in mind that each one of them have differences based on the aim of their creation. Anevaluation essay is the perfect method that could establish if one has leadership qualities.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Services Oriented Architecture Is the Future Free Essays

Services Oriented Architecture is the Future The current buzz word in the Information Technology world is Service-oriented Architecture, also known as SO. Businesses are increasingly becoming interested in implementing SO but are reluctant to adopt what might appear to be a silver bullet due to the complexities involved in this hot new business model. Granted, SO is a new complex approach to building IT systems but it takes advantage of the companies existing assets making it an attractive option that will improve their current software architecture. We will write a custom essay sample on Services Oriented Architecture Is the Future or any similar topic only for you Order Now SO has many benefits for businesses and if the inundation is implemented properly it represents huge cost savings in the software life cycle. Software architects should understand the concepts of SO along with the recommended best practices and standards for implementing a well structured architecture model to determine if SO is the right solution for their business. â€Å"A thoughtful, organized approach to enterprise SO enables companies to implement, adapt and reuse business processes with unprecedented speed and ease. To enjoy the opportunities that enterprise SO delivers, companies need an open, flexible technology platform to integrate best practices and third-party solutions. In addition, they need business-focused, reusable enterprise services. When companies can design services that are reusable across the enterprise, as well as in different regional organizations and across departmental lines, they achieve an increased efficiency and productivity that in turn results in the ability to rapidly innovate with differentiating services to drive additional business success. (SAP accelerates the path to SO for customers, 2008) Many solutions are available to companies that handle complex network services which use well known standards and technologies hat have been working in the business for a long time so business leaders may discount SO as a new fad without understanding exactly what SO really is. Taking time to learn about this new method of doing business is strongly advised to the architects responsible for companies IT infrastructure so they can make an informed decision regarding how they will do business in the future and if SO would be a good option for them. Service-oriented Architecture is an infrastructure that hosts web services to support software requirements. Legacy applications and services are dad available as a web service that can be accessed using a common application interface. These service oriented concepts can be applied to business, software and other types of legacy systems. SO uses an easy to implement approach to developing IT systems that enables application interoperability and reuse of IT assets. As such, it enables business to offer services with existing applications that are supported by new technology rather than constrained by old legacy technology. SO is the framework that enables a business to change, adapt, partner, and reinvent it itself easily by decoupling systems making them independent of their peer reverie. Many businesses have an infrastructure that consists of various applications offering services that run on a wide variety of technology which don’t all work together. Global enterprises tend to suffer the most from this blend of various platforms such as UNIX, Linux, Windows, or mainframe systems that use different languages like . NET, JOKE, Java, C/C++, or COBOL.. IT managers are concerned about the cost and time needed to remodel these services onto a common platform is to much and are hesitant to introduce a new business model that will require restructuring the foundation architecture. Fortunately with SO each application doesn’t have to change the current platform they are working on, rather they would create Web Services that are allowed access to the current systems and then publish the web service so other applications can consume the service using a common interface. Web services provide a standard meaner of interpretation between different software applications, running on a variety of platforms and/or frameworks. A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to- machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine- resalable format (specifically WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically con veyed by using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards. (Zane Abaca, 2006) In a SO implementation, Web Services act like building blocks where each block is a service that is linked to a business task, business object, or workflow. Because all of the building blocks fit together, you can assemble and reassemble them on the fly. Managing data across disparate systems is a constant challenge for all systems but SO tends to highlight the robbers related to duplicated or undefined data that isn’t standardized, making data mapping very difficult and time consuming. In order to have a reliable infrastructure model, resources must be dedicated to the task of defining, standardizing, and maintaining the data that is used in all of the services that are offered. SO uses a standard business object model to easily define the data for services called a Business Object Document (SOD). A BODY is a business document that is exchanged between software components and provides a common messaging architecture. It provides the document structure and naming standards that are used o define and map meta-data to the XML documents which ensures both the publisher and subscriber can understand the content. By understanding the concepts behind SO and how web services and data management are used software architects are able to analyze their current systems and make an informed decision on the value SO would have for the business. Many benefits exist to companies that implement a well planned Service-oriented Infrastructure. Interoperability can be found throughout the enterprise, multiple user groups, multiple business processes, multiple application styles, and multiple delivery channels with the use of SO. Flexibility is greatly increased to adapt to business operation changes increasing the time to implement new services. Web Services reuse low-level components as well as high-level business services decreasing the cost of system management. Integrating disparate systems with a solution that is platform independent reduces the need to restructure the current infrastructure while still allowing the systems to work together in harmony. Service-oriented Architecture’s good reputation in the information technology industry is growing at a rapid rate making it the software architects best choice when faced with the task of implementing business integration technology and is highly recommended for companies that need to streamline their business workflow. How to cite Services Oriented Architecture Is the Future, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Quality Management free essay sample

Quality Management BY SkYlCY Assignment Quality Management Introduction The important of quality For every organization, quality is the key of success factor because quality is one of the key competitive variables, without quality, a business may survive, but wont/cant reach its optimal earning potential. The quality of Companies products or services, the prices it charges and the supply it makes available are all factors the determine demand of customer. There are many ways to improve/achieve the quality such as, certification such as ISO 9000, quality award/ Malcom Award, excellence Award SQA r achieve the TQM. Purpose of this report l, consultant of MPACE International Consultant has been appointed by BALACE fast food restaurant to write a report using the principles of TQM and the dimensions of quality in service to carry out the gap analysis for BALACE fast food restaurant, in other to recommend on how ABC fast food can achieve business excellence. We will write a custom essay sample on Quality Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Background of BALACE fast food restaurant BALACE fast food restaurant is the restaurant established year 2003 at HoChiMinh City in south of Vietnam. There are three main outlets in HoChiMinh City at District 1, District 3, and District 10 with more than 200 employees. The main activities of restaurant are selling fast food and provide the service to customer. The goal of BALACE fast food restaurant is to provide the nice and fresh food with reasonable price and best service to customer. Finding The benefit of Total Quality Management in the service industry Nowsday, everybody know that Todays customer has a wider choice of products and service than ever before. They are going to be demanding keen on having the best services in the shortest possible time at the minimum cost. They will look for solutions that are more specific to their needs thus creating opportunity of many niche market especially service industry. So, there are many opportunities for the service industry depend on how well they satisfy their customer include providing the best service at the best reasonable price. To achieve this goal, many organization realize that TQM can help them improve the quality of service in other to help them overcome the problem and achieve the excellence business management. Explain about benefit of TQM ABC was defined that the TQM looks at the organization as a system and incorporates improvement efforts to enhance the organizational structure so customer (both internal and external) needs are met and streamlined for cost effective and service oriented approaches. In addition, Some specific TQM benefits are customer loyalty, cost savings, higher productivity, higher profitability, improved processes, improved employee morale and positive work environment. Method of analysis In this report I will use the principles ofTQM and dimensions of quality in service carry out the gap of this restaurant and provide the recommendation on how they an overcome the current problem and improve the quality, in other to achieve the business excellence. The principles ofTQM are as follows: 1. Quality can and must be managed. 2. Everyone has a customer and is a supplier. 3. Processes, not people are the problem. 4. Every employee is responsible for quality. 5. Problems must be prevented, not Just fixed. 6. Quality must be measured. 7. Quality improvements must be continuous. . The quality standard is defect free. 9. Goals are based on requirements, not negotiated. 10. Life cycle costs, not front end costs. 11. Management must be involved and lead. 12. Plan and organize for the quality improvement. The dimensions of quality in the service industry are as follows: 2. Empathy 3. Assurance 4. Reliability 5. Responsiveness Analyze the BALACE fast food restaur ant Analysis of PALACE fast food restaurant using principles of TQM: 1. Tangible Quality Management free essay sample Ah Hood Road Singapore  329975 Date : Jun 03, 2013 Fun Promotion B. V. PO BOX 5025 Rubberstraat 24 1411 AL Naarden The Netherlands Dear Ingrid Loebb: I am submitting herewith my essay entitled the Mercedes-Benz quality system The main purpose of this essay is to analyzed and discussed the Mercedes-Benz quality system. We hope that this essay will merit your approval. Yours sincerely Dai Wei Table of contents . Executive summary 2. Introduction 3. Literature review 4. Quality management system 5. Mercedes-Benz mission 6. Mercedes-Benz strategic objective 7. Human Resource Management in quality system 8. Cost in quality system 9. Customer need and organization 10. Quality improvement 11. Conclusion 12. Recommendation 13. Reference 1. Executive summary Mercedes-Benz philosophy is clear: company give of best for customers who expect the best and Mercedes-Benz live a culture of excellence that is based on shared values. orporate history is full of innovations and pioneering achievemen ts Mercedes-Benz goal is to successfully meet the demands of future mobility. And in doing so, company intend to create lasting value for shareholders, customers and workforce, and for society in general This assessment analyzed and discussed the quality system to improve and contributes Mercedes-Benz organization’s mission and strategic. We will write a custom essay sample on Quality Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mercedes-Benz human resource system is an important role in the quality management. The cost of quality is an important concept to a business. Quality-related costs directly impact a firms bottom line profit. Article also discussed customer requirement and company needs improve activities in its quality system. In the end assessment also give some suggestions to help Mercedes-Benz to improve quality management system. 2. Introduction This assignment is to discuss Mercedes-Benz spare parts quality evaluation, Assignment will from the literature review, the quality system, and the strategic target, human resource, customers and organization needs to discussion. This assignment also provides an analysis and evaluation of Mercedes-Benz current and prospective profitability. In addition to Mercedes-Benz strategic target organization. Finally is the conclusion and suggestion. Mercedes-Benz is a multinational division of the German manufacturer Daimler AG, and the brand is used for automobiles, buses, coaches, and trucks. Mercedes-Benz has over 50 production and assembly plants and more than 6300 certified agents and maintenance centers in the world, marketing products in over 190 countries and regions. The manufacture of genuine Mercedes-Benz spare parts is subject to exacting quality management. The most advanced production methods and the strictest material and functional tests ensure compliance with all the relevant regulations and legal specifications. It goes without saying that this also applies to suppliers’ parts. 3. Literature review TQM is a management approach in which quality is emphasized in every aspect of the business and organization. Its goals are aimed at long-term development of quality products and services. Total quality control defined as an effective system for intergrating the quality development, quality maintainance and quality improvement efforts of the various groups in an organisation so as to enable production and service at the most economical level which allow for full customer satisfaction. ( Singh 2006) The precision workmanship and high level of dimensional accuracy of genuine spare parts ensure the longevity and reliability of every Mercedes-Benz classic. Every part is made to measure, each bore is in the right place, each thread engages, each connection fits – in assembly and in daily operation. Organization shall apply suitable methods for monitoring and, where applicable, measurement of the quality management system processes. ( Micklewright 2010) From the point of view, using standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization (its acronym is ISO), Mercedes-Benz can create customized processes that work for organization. Maintain ISO certification by continually improving Mercedes-Benz processes and ensure compliance with the standards. A primary concern of any organization is the quality of its products and services. any times,specific quality requirements are stated in organizational objective. A quality management system should be developed and implemented for the purpose of accomplishing the objectives set out in the organizations strategic and business objectives(Hinkle 2006) From Hinkle point, company Implement an Effective Quality Management System. company need Identify the set of processes required to run your business effectively. All spare parts for Mercedes-Benz classic car have to meet the same high quality standards as parts for new Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The view of quality as the satisfaction of customer needs is often called fitness for use. in highly competitive markets ,merely satisfying customer needs will not achieve success. to bet the competition organizations often must exceed customer expectations(Evans 2010) While improving the quality of management ,Improving organization management can make a significant impact on the workplace environment. Quality is a predictable degree of uniformity and dependability, at low cost and suited to the market. pursuit of quality requires that organizations optimize their system of interdependent stakeholders. Gitlow 2000) 4. Quality management system In business parlance, a Quality Management System includes the policies and procedures required to implement quality management throughout an organization. Quality is typically defined as how well a product or service conforms to specifications. (Duggan 2010) The manufacture of genuine Mercedes-Benz spare parts is subject to exacting quality m anagement. The most advanced production methods and the strictest material and functional tests ensure compliance with all the relevant regulations and legal specifications. It goes without saying that this also applies to suppliers’ parts. The structure for businesses quality management systems are in Mercedes-Benz business plan. By choosing different target audiences with their product, Mercedes Benz have achieved the goals that Mercedes Benz quality management systems have set out to accomplish. Mercedes Benz is one of the top of the line manufacturers of cars in the world. This is what is needed when companies set forth quality management systems in their places of business. The greatest level of quality is not always needed, just a level of quality that is clearly understood by own target audience or customers. The documentation of the quality management systems is then done by the quality assurance departments with this information from the business plan in mind. This way an accurate set of instructions and procedures can be documented and put in place. The documentation of the quality management systems is then done by the quality assurance departments with this information from the business plan in mind. This way an accurate set of instructions and procedures can be documented and put in place. Once the quality management systems are documented and approved by management, the quality control departments can do job. This is the personnel that carry out the inspections and other functions that are necessary so the deliverable meets the prescribed quality as set by the business plan. For each business in every industry, the quality management systems that are put into place are different. 5. Mercedes-Benz mission and Vision Mission 1) To delight customers in everything Mercedes are doing. (2) To continually improve the effectiveness of company Quality Management System and our business processes. (3) To continually improve the quality of our products and services. (4) To have a team-oriented and open minded corporate culture involving employees through leadership and individual acceptance of delegated responsibility Vision To be the first choice provider in financial services for our de alers and customers in partnership with our automotive brands. 6. Mercedes-Benz strategic objective Having chosen a set of congruent strategies to achieve a competitive advantage and increase performance managers must put those strategies into action: strategy has to be implemented. putting quality improvement programs into place, changing the way a product is designed, positioning the product differently in the marketplace. segmenting the marketing and offering different versions of the product to different consumer groups, implementing price increases or decreases. (Hill 2009) Mercedes-Benz Passenger Cars with strong growth China rates in retail sales in 2010 There will be a positive impact on the progress to the top of the premium segment from the fact that the automotive industry continues to be a growth industry. According to forecasts, worldwide car sales will increase from 60 million units in 2011 to 100 million units in 2020. China is already the worlds biggest market in terms of unit sales and will remain so in 2020, but the countrys car market will have doubled by then. China therefore remains a cornerstone of Mercedes-Benz Cars growth strategy. Mercedes company is able to get the achievement, its important to realize is that it provides the company to the customer of the products, not just a traffic toolsthe car itself, it should also include the quality of the car, modelling, maintenance services, namely to our products to satisfy the customer whole overall requirements. Mercedes-Benz dealer, recently achieved the ISO 9001:2000 accreditation following an outstanding growth in 2008. Despite the global financial turmoil, benz Automobiles sustained exceptional sales results over the past 12 months proving, once and again, its leadership in the luxury segment across the region. The quality of the market is the quality of consumer recognition. Quality (quality of design, manufacturing quality) is to achieve the quality of the means, other quality activities must focus on market quality management activities, which not only emphasize the final quality of the goods by the consumer evaluation, but also includes consumer how would you assess the content of the quality of goods 7. Human Resource Management in quality system HR to social responsibility,customer service ,and quality significantly affects organizational effectiveness. As an organization core competency,human resources has a unique capability that creates high value and differentiates an organization from competitors in areas such as productivity,quality service ,employee skills,and innovative changes. ( Mathis 2010) To maintain a leading edge in the face of ever fiercer competition, effective customer retention management is clearly crucial. The Human Resources Management (HRM) function includes a variety of activities, and key among them is deciding what staffing needs company have and whether o use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring employees are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring company personnel and management practices conform to various regulations. The HR department is one of the most important parts of Mercedes,because brand of Mercedes it is model of high class of technological progress,quality and safety. Focus employees need . m ake a customer service learning outcome. each employee ,note strengths ,areas of improvement. dditional technical or job skills training needs,and any behavioral issues(such as a poor attitude toward customers) that need to be addressed(Evenson 2010) An effective QMS leads to greater profitability. A good QMS can also lead to employee satisfaction, which has a chain reaction effect on customer satisfaction. Employees feel integrated into the success of the organization. ( Rue and Lloyd 2010) Employee need quality Management System Training, because customers want products that satisfy their requirements and expectations, companies strive to provide high quality products and services at competitive prices. . Cost in quality system Quality seems much harder to define than on-time delivery ,total productivity, or production at an acceptable cost, compared to time cost and productivity ,quality is a mystery(Kemp 2005) Cost of Quality is a measure used when describing the cost of waste o r business losses resulting from poor process or product quality control. Mercedes-Benz in process improvement efforts, Reduce the cost price, but did not reduce the quality of the product. Mercedes-Benz used supplier knowledge to understand the costs of the manufacturing process by taring down competitors products and identifying components and their related costs. Supplier linkages were used to develop function groups by which all components could be grouped into and assigned costs. Prior to its introduction, the general perception was that higher quality requires higher costs, management and quality practitioners can evaluate investments in quality based on cost improvement and profit enhancement 9. Customer need and organization Customer value is the relationship between benefits and the sacrifice necessary to obtain those benefits. Customer value is not simply a matter of high quality . A high quality product that is available only at a high price will not be perceived as a good value,nor will bare-bones service or low-quality goods selling for a low price. ( McDaniel 2007) Mercedes-Benz always collect customer information,because company must understand customers need The main reason for collecting information from customers is to improve the quality of the service you provide to them. n addition to improving the product or service itself ,information can help company to ,develop new products and services, improve delivery or promotion, or improve other elements of how the organisation is run 10. Quality improvement A quality management principle is a comprehensive and fundamental rule or belief for leading and operating an organization;it is aimed at continually improving performance over the long term by focusing on customers while addressing the needs of all other stakeholders(Baue 2006) Mercedes Benz need to try in improving their quality management. One of the areas is the service department; being a employee handle all different services repairs and install accessories. company need some serious improvements in order to increase customer satisfaction and productivity levels to meet goals. 11. Conclusion Quality is important because it ensures the viability of a business. Without quality, a business may survive, but wont/cant reach its optimal earning potential. In a competitive market, businesses stay ahead by offering products that are different and/or superior in ways that matter to customers. Mercedes Benz provides the quality product and the service, assignment evaluation Mercedes-Benz spare parts quality system, also discuss human Resource in Mercedes Benz company. Essentially the following facts are the decisive factor for owners of Mercedes-Benz classic cars to go for genuine Mercedes-Benz spare parts 12. Recommendation As there are advantages of finding Mercedes Benz parts dealer there are also some great disadvantages of getting customer dealer through online services. First, if customer are not careful in scrutinizing the dealer because customer are just too amaze that his cost is a way lower than the others, then customer would be facing some kind of trouble if consumer will be scammed for it. Just think that a genuine Mercedes benz parts accessories follows company standard selling prices and could never get too low unless company are announcing a discount on such parts which consumer should check if they really are on sale through searching their sites or the other dealers. Then, consumer may not be so sure that the parts or accessories that need are really the one that dealer are selling to consumer and will be receiving just the wrong ones. Reference Singh, R 2006, Total Quality Management, New Delhi. Micklewright, M 2010 , Lean ISO 9001: Adding Spark to your ISO 9001 QMS and Sustainability to your Lean Efforts, ASQ Quality Press. Hinkle, S 2006, Take a Quality Ride: The Realities of Implementing a Quality Management System  , iUniverse, Inc. Arter, DR 2003, How to Audit the Process-Based QMS, Amer Society for Quality. Evans , JR 2010 ,Quality amp; Performance Excellence, South-Western College Pub. Gitlow, HS 2000, Quality Management Systems: A Practical Guide, CRC Press. Hill ,CWL 2009, Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach. South-Western College Pub. Mathis, RL 2010 Human Resource Management ,South-Western College Pub. McDaniel,C 2007 Market, Cengage Learning. Rue,L and Lloyd,B 2010, Human Resource Management, McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kemp, S 2005 Quality Management Demystified, McGraw-Hill Professional. Evenson, R 2010 Customer Service Training 101: Quick and Easy Techniques That Get Great Results, AMACOM. Bauer JE and Duffy GL 2006 The Quality Improvement Handbook, Second Edition, ASQ Quality Press. Duggan ,T 2010 How To Develop a Quality Management System, viewed 31 may 2013. lt;http://www. ehow. com/how_5791957_develop-quality-management-system. htmlgt; Schmidt, DJ 2010, Strategy and targets of Mercedes-Benz Cars Sales and Marketing viewed 31 may 2013. lt;http://www. daimler. com/Projects/c2c/channel/documents/1931896_Daimler_UBS_Paris_DJSchmidt_Handout. pdfgt; Quality Management free essay sample A goal of Six Sigma can also be used for services. The one area where Six Sigma maybe difficult is that many aspects of service quality are based upon customer perceptionfor examplethe courtesy of the clerk. In spite of all efforts, someone may perceive that the clerk was not courteous. But in spite of this problem, every effort should be made to attain Six Sigma in both manufacturing and service settings. 2. If line employees are required to work on quality improvement activities, their productivity will suffer. † Discuss. The Japanese have demonstrated that high quality and the high productivity needed to offer low prices are not mutually exclusive. Products made correctly the first time do not have to be reworked or scrapped, which translates into lower costs for materials and workers. If one includes the time required for rework, time expended for the production of each product would be lower if quality control becomes a line responsibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Quality Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. â€Å"You don’t inspect quality into a product; you have to build it in. Discuss the implications of this statement. The typical U. S. factory invests 20 to 25 percent of its operating budget in finding and fixing mistakes. One fourth of all workers fix things that are not done right. These are appraisal and internal failure cost. On the other hand, if quality standards are enforced as the item is being built, appraisal, internal and external failure costs will decrease while prevention costs will increase. The rule of thumb is that for every dollar spent in prevention, ten dollars are saved in failure and appraisal costs. 4. â€Å"Before you build quality in, you must think it in. How do the implications of this statement differ from those of Question 3? The â€Å"thinking quality in† philosophy requires a longer-term perspective than the â€Å"building quality in† philosophy. â€Å"Building quality in† includes short-term techniques, such as tuning the production equipment to assure consistent quality. â€Å"Thinking quality in† includes longer-term techniques such as designing the product to be robust enough to achieve high quality despite fluctuations on the production line, training workers to be capable of â€Å"thinking in quality,† and developing a working environment in which â€Å"thinking in quality† is nurtured.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Predicate Complements

Predicate Complements Predicate Complements Predicate Complements By Maeve Maddox The term complement comes from the verb to complete. The predicate nominative and predicate adjective complete the meaning of a state-of-being or linking verb. The most common linking verb is to be, with its forms am, is, are, was, were, being, been. Other verbs, like seem and appear, also function in this way. The predicate nominative (abbreviated PN) completes the verb and renames the subject of the verb. The predicate adjective (abbreviated PA) completes the verb and describes the subject. The predicate complement is also called the subject complement because it restates or describes the subject. Predicate Nominative The predicate nominative is a noun or pronoun that completes the meaning of a linking verb. Sometimes students confuse direct objects and predicate complements. One way to tell them apart is to reverse the sentence. If the sentence still makes sense after being reversed, the word that answers â€Å"What?† after the verb is a complement. Compare: Baxter is an excellent typist. An excellent typist is Baxter. The reversed sentence still makes sense; â€Å"an excellent typist† is a complement. Baxter typed the report. The report typed Baxter. The reversed sentence is nonsense; â€Å"the report† is a direct object. When the predicate nominative is a pronoun, traditional grammar says it should be in the nominative (subject) case. That’s logical because the complement restates the subject. English idiom and logic, however, are not always on the best of terms. Consider: Is Dr. Singh the man at the dais? Yes, that’s he. Because he is a predicate nominative in this sentence, the subject form he is correct. However, most native speakers would probably say â€Å"Yes, that’s him.† Predicate Adjective The predicate adjective follows a linking verb and describes its subject: You seem sad. (predicate adjective) In certain light, the fish appears transparent. (predicate adjective) Other verbs commonly used to express a state of being are: feel make taste look smell grow remain stay turn sound become prove Note: some of these verbs can also be used as action verbs. If the verb conveys an action, the word that follows is a direct object (DO). If the word that follows the verb describes the subject, it’s a predicate adjective (PA): I feel sad. (PA) I feel the wall. (DO) He made me mad. (PA) I made cookies. (DO) That smells bad. (PA) Wake up and smell the roses. (DO) Every day you grow older. (PA) The farmer grows strawberries. (DO) The angry dictator turned blue. (PA) The ox turned the wheel. (DO) That music sounds discordant. (PA) The bugler sounded the alarm. (DO) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar 101 category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your StoryWriting the Century55 "House" Idioms

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Two Truths and a Lie 35 Good Lies for Tricking Others

Two Truths and a Lie 35 Good Lies for Tricking Others SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Throwing a party or looking for an icebreaker to use at a work event? Whatever the case, Two Truths and a Lie is a unique game that's useful for getting to know other people- and for seeing how good you are at lying! Read on to learn what the game entails and what makes for a good lie. We also give you tons of Two Truths and a Lie ideas to help you have a wildly fun time! What Is Two Truths and a Lie? Two Truths and a Lie is a fun group-based game you can play at parties or use as ice breakers. No special equipment or preparation is needed, though you might want to use pencil and paper to keep track of scores (if playing for points). To play, everyone sits or stands in a circle. One by one, each person in the circle says three statements about him/herself. Two of these statements must be facts, or "truths," and one must be a lie. The other members then try to guess which statement is the lie. What Makes for a Good Lie? A Good Truth? A good lie is one that's ultimately believable: it'll sound like something you might've done or might want to do (but haven't actually done). A lie that's too farfetched will clearly sound fake, so try to think of lies that are similar to truths to make them as plausible-sounding as possible. For example, don't say, "I can speak 22 languages." This statement is clearly a lie (unless you're a famous polyglot!). Rather, say, "I can speak three languages fluently." This statement is just plausible enough to make people doubt whether you're telling the truth or not. When it comes to telling truths, you'll want to tell the truth in such a way that others think you're lying even though you're not. Therefore, a good truth will sound like something you usually wouldn't do or wouldn't want to do (but have actually done). For example, if you're normally a shy person but have been the first to get out on a dance floor, this would be a good truth to tell since other people won't expect you to have done it. 35 Two Truths and a Lie Ideas Below are tons of Two Truths and a Lie examples you can use for lies (or truths if applicable!). Just remember this: when choosing lies, always opt for those that will be most convincing for you! Likes/Dislikes My favorite animals are peacocks. I hate spicy food. I can't stand it when people pay with exact change. I am a vegetarian. My favorite place in the world is New York City. Skills I can play the piano. I'm really good at cooking Italian food. I can juggle. I never learned how to ride a bicycle. I'm a great whistler. Experiences I went to Europe as a high school student. I've met Tom Cruise. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. I've eaten poisonous puffer fish. I've never gotten a speeding ticket. Wishes/Dreams When I was younger, my dream was to be a firefighter. I've always wanted to try paragliding. One of the places I want to visit most is Thailand. I hope to eventually run a marathon. If I could, I would pay to visit the moon right now. Family I am a great-great grandniece/grandnephew of Abraham Lincoln. I am the youngest of five siblings. My mother has worked for the same company for 30 years. I own a pet hamster named Murray. I have 18 first cousins. Random/Weird I am colorblind. I am legally deaf in one ear. I was born with a tail. I still own a huge collection of Beanie Babies. I've never broken a bone. I am deathly afraid of clowns. I brush my teeth four times a day. I never use public restrooms. I'm allergic to strawberries. I am incredibly superstitious. Feel free to tweak these Two Truths and a Lie ideas so that they work better for you. Once you've got some ideas ready, get out and have fun!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Annotated Bibliography for Staff and Skills Essay

Annotated Bibliography for Staff and Skills - Essay Example The reasonable prices of the cars produced by the company can be attributed to the outcome of its unique technology and processes which has attracted the people of all strata of society inclusive of low, middle and high income groups. Staffs recruited by the company are mainly from the background of information and technology, particularly competent in manufacturing technology. Additionally the company also focuses on the mass of a highly competent sales and marketing team with strong visionary and assertive approach and conversant with the best practices in business (Tata Motors-a, 2012). Organizational structure, strategy, system and style Like most global organizations, Tata Motors reflects a matrix organizational structure which forms a strong integration between the domestic and overseas operations. The matrix structure integrated the businesses and functions across geographies which makes it more efficient. It not only facilitates knowledge sharing and transfers across the orga nization. For instance the present strategy of the company is to apply the learning of the global companies such as Land Rover and Jaguar to its Indian operations which is possible and greatly facilitated through its matrix structure. Also it can use its knowledge existing in the Indian operations to compete in other emerging markets. The cultural style of the organization is to develop global leadership and managers who can apply their global learning in their individual overseas or domestic operations. The company represents a system which allows information enhancing, sharing and exchanging across its different business units. This is particular crucial in the present dynamic environment in which it works and its vulnerabilities on the company (Tata Motors Ltd, 2008, p.1-4). Role of leader in the organization One of the main drivers of success of Tata Motors is its strong leadership and management body. The strong tradition of entrepreneurship and leadership provides strong busin ess direction and guidance which reaches beyond the borders of India and enters into new markets. The company helps its employees to realize their true potential through the application of effective HR practices. This is done through effective employee empowerment program providing the workforce with dynamic career paths in congruence with the long term strategies and objectives of the firm. Supervisors and managers are allowed to take their own decisions related to work activities in areas of their expertise. This not only raises their responsibility and accountability towards work but also provides them with the freedom to excel in their skills and domain of expertise. Regular in-house training and external training forms key components of their employee development programs. The leaders also work on developing team building and group activities in the organization. Rewards and compensations are designed on the performance of teams in the organization. In this regard, virtual team s are also encouraged which comprises of members belonging to different countries. Team empowerment also forms a key strategy through which knowledge and information can be shared and exchanged between members of the organization. Decision making is tried to be decentralized in order to minimize

Monday, February 3, 2020

A study of traffic noise affecting residential building along Essay

A study of traffic noise affecting residential building along expressways - Essay Example (Wiberg, Mardh, 2008). Hong Kong can be considered as one of the densest cities in the world facing traffic noises issues especially with the growth in the economy leading to the demand for housing and transportation. Different people react differently to the level of noise. However, at certain level, noise starts affecting everyone in the form of irritating and frustrating people (Environmental Protection Department (2006). Noises can also affect the daily activities of life like watching television, talking over the telephone and doing household chores. Just like any other metropolitan city; Hong Kong also faces noise issues and more than 1 million people have been affected by it in last few years. (Amundsen, Klaeboe, 2005) Excess traffic noises can be considered as the major reason behind the noise pollution that is mainly because of the poor planning leading to cramped development of residential properties alongside the highways (Crawshaw, 2008) Moreover, the growth and developme nt in 80s and 90s marked serious noise pollutions along with a rise in residential properties and constructions. ... With land paucity, constructors are forced to look for lands that are outside the city and next to expressways. However, living alongside the expressways has its own disadvantages in the form of being exposed to high level of traffic sounds at wee hours along with getting affected by heavy vehicles sounds. The government cannot stop the movement of vehicles on expressways and therefore is bound to look for other options that can help residents to bear with the increasing traffic sound on expressways (Wiberg, Mardh, 2008) The government can improve the quality of roads along but the numbers of cars, lorries and trucks increase during nights that affect the sleep pattern of people considering the sound created by moving vehicles. The concept of low noise road surfacing can be considered as an option to mitigate the level of noise pollution but the concept requires time and research to be implemented and more importantly it requires huge investment considering the number of highways in Hong Kong. As per the information collected from the website of HKSAR Government, it was found that a number of flyovers and expressways cut though the main district of the city and people living beside such flyovers and expressways have been greatly affected by the traffic noise in last few years. The government stated that because of the previously built flyovers and expressways and currently developed urban areas, there have been some serious concerns over the quality of life among residents. Despite the introduction of planning standards and the Environmental Impact Assessment, there cannot be done anything that will reduce the level of traffic noises instantly (HKSAR Government (2012) 2.0 BACKGROUND TO THE

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Emergence Of The Role Theory

The Emergence Of The Role Theory Role theory is a conceptual framework with long history in the field of Foreign policy analysis. In order to explain and understand the foreign policy of nation states, the role theory focuses on the reasoning of national political elites, their explanation of the international system and their own states role within this larger system. Despite its conceptual stringency, methodological openness and rich empirical applications, the role theory seems to be neglected by the main stream scholars. Role theory as we said is a long established conceptual tool for the foreign policy analysis. While the role theory analytical potential is high, only recently we have witnessed its revival. Role theory first attracted attention in the foreign policy literature after the publication of Holstis  [1]  study of national role conceptions. Role theory had been in development for nearly four decades in Sociology, Social Psychology and Anthropology by this time. Holsti didnt import much of the conceptual or theoretical language associated with role theory. He chose to focus on the simple idea that the Self, in this case the leaders of the state may hold a set of beliefs or images about the identity of the state. Also, a social psychologist of the sociological variety  [2]  suggested that Holstis article may well be an example where borrowing a theory has paid off. These national role conceptions were shaped the way that a state acted by it in the international system level. The objective of this paper is to present a role theory as a theoretical and conceptual tool for the analysis of the foreign policy. This paper will divide into parts. First part introduces the intellectual sources and inspiration of the role theory. The second part introduces the assumptions of the role theory, and then Ill mention the key concepts offered by the theoretical conceptual framework of the role theory. The third part summarizes the criticism of International Relations theorists towards formulation of the role theory. The fourth part explores briefly how we can integrate foreign policy analysis and international relation through role theory. The emergence of the Role Theory and its intellectual sources: Role theory was first introduced in 1970 by Kalevi Holsti in his article National Role Conceptions in the Study of Foreign Policy. In 1970, Holsti criticized the unnecessarily crude shape of the national roles and too strong pre occupation with national role types relevant to then structural conditions such as bloc, leader, satellites, allies, and non-aligned. Such typology ignores the great set of roles that smaller states play in the system and in different regions  [3]  . At a time of structuralism analysis of foreign policy, Holsti tries to refocus the attention of the discipline towards the domestic sources of foreign policy behavior. Role theory has been inspied by sociological and social psychological theories about the role of individual in the society  [4]  . Holsti drew heavily on Meads symbolic inter action  [5]  long before Wendt picked symbolic inter action as a core principle of his constructivist theory. Holsti relies on George H. Mead and his study of the impact of the behavior of others on an individuals self conceptions and his conceptual distinctions between the self and the change. Symbolic inter action remains the most important source of inspiration for role theorists up until today. Social psychological and sociological theories about the role of individual in the society are applied in the explanation of the behavior of the state. Role theorists argue that by providing the sense of purpose of the state in international community, national role conceptions concede the state with a sense of selfhood and identity. Without the sense of identity, individuals cant order their environments and they will find that the social behavior becomes difficult to understand and manage  [6]  . According to Chaftez, the same process occurs within the states. In this sense, role theory is just another example of anthropomorphic theory  [7]  . It is built around an anthropomorphic assumption that we can draw an analogy between individuals in the society and the state. This assumption some would say chicanery allows us to import social psychological and sociological theories into the disciplines of international relations and foreign policy analysis. At the same time the role theory steers clear of the trap of treating states as some kind of unitary actors. After explaining the origin of role theory and knowing the main scholars and intellectuals ideas of the theory. Ill explain the main assumptions that theory depend on. Theoretical assumption of the role theory: This part tries to identify the assumptions of the role theory which are the epistemological and ontological and its position in contemporary theoretical debates. The starting point is the classification of approaches to the study of foreign policy by Walter Carlsnaes  [8]  . In line with the categories developed by Hollis and Smith  [9]  , Carlsnaes distinguishes four basic approaches to the study of foreign policy according to their epistemological assumptions which are objectivism versus interpretativism and ontological assumptions versus individualism. Objectivist holistic approach such as various strands of realism and neo realism offer a structural perspective on the foreign policy. Objectivist individualist approaches such as bureaucratic politics approaches and liberal approach see the foreign policy from the agency based perspective. On the intersection between holism and interpretativism lie the approaches such as: social constructivism or discursive approaches representing the social institutional perspective. Hollis and Smith distinguish explanation and understanding as two basic epistemological positions. Explanatory approach is inspired by natural sciences and looks for causal relations within the social reality. On the other side interpretivists rely on reconstructing inter subjective meaning of that structure for the subjects of interests. The goal of interpretativism is to reconstruct and understand the way people make sense of the social reality and on this ground understand the behavior of individuals and groups. While some authors argue that the two theoretical questions are interrelated as ontological position predestined the epistemological choice  [10]  , Carlsnaes agrees with Hollis and Smith that ontology doesnt entail epistemology and thus we can distinguish four basic combinations of theoretical perspectives. After that, itll be better to explain the meaning of the two assumptions which are epistemology and ontology in details to form the whole image in our minds about the role theory. Epistemology The epistemological position of the role theory is quite clear according to Carlsnaes. It is an example of interpretative perspective. Role theory seems to favor domestic sources of foreign policy and at the same time given its roots in symbolic interactionism, role theory produces interpretative knowledge rather than casual explanations. Role theory allows us to reconstruct the meaning attributed to national role by the domestic elite individual national foreign policy makers  [11]  . Carlsnaes classification shows the original analytical intentions of those who formulate the role theory. According to Stephen Walker, role theory offers a thick description. The theoretical function of role theory isnt codifying abstract regularities but to make thick description possible, not to generalize across cases but to generalize within them. In line with its epistemological underlying, role theory is more suitable for answering the How possible questions rather than the Why questions. Role theory follows the principles of interpretative which examine the background of social and digressive practices and meanings which make possible the foreign policy practices as well as the social actors themselves, how meanings are produced and attached to various social subjects and objects thus constituting particular interpretive disposition which create certain possibilities and exclude others. Ontology Walter Carlsnaes, following Hollis and Smith distinguishes two basic ontological positions: holism and individualism. Holism holds that the effects of social structures cant be reduced to independently existing agents and their interactions, and that these effects include the construction of agents in both causal and constitutive senses  [12]  . The dynamics of social systems can always be tracked to the evolutionary changes on the level of self reproducing structures  [13]  . On the other side individualists claim that individuals are ontologically primary, all social phenomena as institutions, norms and cultue are intended or unintended consequences of aggregated behavior of the individuals. Social scientific explanations should be reducible to the properties or interactions of independently existing individuals. Walter Carlsnaes puts the role theory unambigously into the individualist box. The role theoretical analyzes focus on the reasoning of individual national foreign policy makers. Role theory exemplifies the bottom up individualist interpretative approach which is concerned to understand decisions from the standpoint of the decision makers by reconstructing their reasons. Holsti and most of the empirical applications of his conceptual framework didnt incorporate role prescriptions of external expectation and their empirical analyses focus solely on the domestic sources of national roles. Conceptual framework of the role theory: Its better to divide the concepts of the role theory into three categories which are: National role conceptions, which are better one role or many roles and other concepts of the role theory. National role conceptions Role theory explains the foreign policy behavior by exploring the roles played by individual countries in international level. The conceptual framework of the role theory has evolved through time as new concepts have been added. The key concept of the role theory is national role conception introduced by Holsti. He defines the national role conception as the policymakers have definitions of the general kinds of decisions, commitments, rules and actions suitable to their state and its the function of any state that should perform on a continuing basis in the international system or in subordinate regional systems. Its the image of the appropriate orientations or functions of their state or in the external environment  [14]  . This definition has been widely accepted by other role theorists. For example Ulrich Krotz thirty years later defines the national role conceptions as domestically shared views and understandings regarding the proper role and purpose of ones own state as a so cial collectivity in the international arena  [15]  . National role conceptions induce preferences and motivate wills, goals and actions. Often interests and policies that derive from National role conceptions are viewed as normal and right within the respective country. According to Le Prestre, the articulation of a national role betrays preferences, operations of an image of the world, triggers expectations and influences the definition of the situation and of the available options  [16]  . At the same time, national role conceptions make certain interests and policy options intuitively implausible, categorically exclude them as wrong or unacceptable or make them unthinkable. National role conceptions are a product of domestic socialization processes and they give meaning and purpose to the foreign policy. One role or many roles Glen Chafetz notes that actors usually have multiple roles that various in overall importance centrality and according to the situation salience. This argument is supported by Holstis original empirical analysis. He confirms that on the lowest level of a day to day politics actors normally have several different roles in the international system and its subsystems. Role theory reflects the arguments made by James March and Johan Olsen that humans maintain a repertoire of roles and identities each providing rules of appropriate behavior in situations for which they are relevant  [17]  . On the other side some researchers adopt the single role assumption that the foreign policy as such is on the highest plane guided by a shared, historically constituted role vision of a national mission which is relatively stable and coherent across time, context and circumstances. The analysis of such dominant, overarching shared view, understanding regarding the proper role and purpose of ones own state as a social collectivity in the international arena can be challenged for being overly generalizing. By looking for common thing in the national elites world views and visions of the national mission, we get that one inevitably puts aside differences in the political elites foreign policy priorities. On the other side the single role assumption allows us to trace and explain patterns in the foreign policy of the state and identify ideas discourse shared even among national politicians with different political preferences in foreign policy making. Other concepts of the role theory Even though the national role conception represents the key concept of the role theory it isnt the only concept. While the national role conception is an egos own conception of his position and function, the term role prescription has been introduced to capture the alters prescriptions. Holsti defined role prescriptions as norms and expectations cultures, societies, institutions or groups attach to particular positions. Role prescriptions emanate from the external environment. In the constructivist language role prescriptions are interred subjectively shared norms and expectations which form the social structure of the international system. Even though the term role prescriptions has been introduced in the role theory since its very beginning, the structural source of the role prescriptions has been sidelined and hardly utilized in role theoretical empirical analyzes. It took some time before role theorists acknowledged the analytical value of the role prescriptions and of the struct ural dimension of the role theory. Contemporary role theorists not only acknowledge on a theoretical level that roles are determined both by an actors own conceptions about appropriate behavior and by the expectations or role prescriptions of other actors but they include role prescriptions into the design of their empirical analyses. The inclusion of the role prescriptions into the research design is in line with the tenets of symbolic interactionism and with the constructivist arguments that roles are institutionalized in social structure. Stephen Walker a Sheldon Simon introduced another structural concept into the framework of the role theory: role set  [18]  . Role sets can be defined as a set of actors positioned as significant others and the web of mutual roles in the system. It is a web of mutual expectations which according to Walker and Simon represent a dynamic and interconnected system. The last term is national role performance. National role performance denotes concrete foreign policy decisions and actions. National role performance encompasses the attitudes decisions and actions governments take versus other actors in order to implement the role. Empirical analyzes relying on the concept national role conceptions usually rely on the single role assumption, they try to discover domestically shared ideas about the purpose and role of the state in international arena and they try to illustrate. The term role set is simply denoting the set of roles played by a particular state versus the spectrum of other actors explain the continuity in the foreign policy behavior of national role performance. On the other side analyzes operationalizing the concept of role prescriptions are better equipped to capture and explain changes in roles and role performance of foreign policy behavior. For example: Walker and Simon claim that actors do from time to time experience role conflict. Role conflict is defined as a situation in which multiple roles are elicited by competing or conflicting expectations, cues and conceptions. This conflict can have the form of a clash between contradicting national role conceptions and role prescriptions or as a clash between two competing role prescriptions. Walker and Simon convincingly argue that the structure of the role set is a product of this role location process as countries enact roles and attempt to cope with role conflict. If individual member of the system in an attempt to solve his own role conflict and changes the role he plays in the system then the whole role set changes as other members of the change their roles and expectations in respons e. The criticism of the role theory: In line with Carlsnaes classification of the role theory as an individualist interpretative approach, International Relation constructivists treat the role theory as an actor based perspective. Alexander Wendt who praises the role theory for introducing symbolic inter actionism into the field criticizes Holsti for emphasizing the agentic role taking side of the equation at the expense of the structural, role constituting side which strips the concept of role of much of its interest. Similarly Audie Klotz criticizes Holsti for excessive focus on individual motivation and cognition at for ignoring the congruence in shared norms which form the backbone of dominant ideas and knowledge. To summarize the critique, International Relation constructivists castigate the role theory for orientation on subjective rather than inter subjective ideas. Role theory seems to forget that national identity and role is not only about inner experience of the state in elite national role conceptions but al so about the structure of expectations of the wider international environment role prescriptions. Wendt and other critics are to some extent different and right. The theoretical and conceptual model introduced by Holsti in fact incorporates not only actor centered national role conceptions domestically shared visions about the role and purpose of the state in international arena but also structural role prescriptions expectations of others. But this socio psychological theoretical model wasnt fully translated into Holstis design for a foreign policy analysis. Even though role the agent society relationship plays a crucial role in the original Meads social psychological theory, Holsti depreciated the impact of society on the formation of national roles in the international context. In his words the expectations of other governments, legal norms expressed through custom, general usage, treaties and available sanctions to enforce. These are ill defined, flexible and weak compared to those that exist in an integrated society and particularly within formal organizations. In a rather n eorealist he also refers to the lack of institutions, acute international conflict and the fact of sovereignty as the factors behind the precedence of policymakers role conceptions over externally derived role expectations. Here lies the rift between Holsti on one side and the English School and constructivist IR on the other side which has been reproduced in some of the empirical analyses. Integration of FPA and IR through Role Theory: Role theory has an intermittent presence in the study of foreign policy analysis, though it is unfamiliar to scholars in international relations. Yet it is uniquely suited to integrate IR and FPA. Role theory is premised on explaining and understanding the interaction between agents and structure. This may sound familiar to constructivist IR scholars. Role theory tends to focus on the agent structure debate from a slightly different, albeit complementary and vantage point. Foreign policy analysis and International Relation scholars operate within different analytical traditions. Whereas the former consider the individual to be the ground of International Relation theory, the latter are more apt to proceed from a system level orientation. To be more precise, Foreign policy analysis scholars often use role theory informed by social psychology while International Relation scholars are more firmly grounded in constructivist principles borrowed from sociology. There is a geographical divide: the former group of scholars is more prevalent in the United States, whereas the latter tend to be located in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Both groups use methods of analysis and standards of evidence that are in keeping with their separate traditions. Some suggest that theories of International Relations cant also be theories of foreign policy. However, others have argued that there is no logical barrier to such a synthesis  [19]  . We believe that role theory offers the potential for integration, possibly and synthesis. Foreign Policy Analysis generally as well as cognitive approaches specifically and International Relation theory generally as well as constructivism specifically stand to benefit from the results of dialogue between the formers largely agent based role theory and the latters largely system based agent structure debate. Although fully synthesizing the two fields may not be feasible, there is so much common ground that bridging the divide between these two traditions not only brings them closer together but also advances knowledge in both Foreign Policy Analysis and International Relations theory. Indeed some efforts aimed at synthesis can already be identified. Consider for example: Maulls work on the civilian power role of Germany and Japan and Harnischs subsequent efforts to place Germanys civilian power role in a constructivist International Relations framework. These two scholars demonstrate the potential for a synthesis of Foreign Policy and International Relations through role theory. Roles like the civilian power role make intuitive sense to policymakers and offer great potential to translate Foreign Policy and International Relations theory into meaningful policy relevant advice.

Friday, January 17, 2020

How One Film Demonstrates Features Which Can Be Considered as Post-Modern Essay

Film within the post-modern genre simply illustrates the ideas of postmodernism through expressive art. Postmodern can be defined as a â€Å"genre of art and literature†¦ in reaction against principles and practices of established modernism† In this essay I will be outlining the key concepts as well as characteristics that can be found in a post modern film. Postmodern cinema contradicts the typical principle of narrative structure and the portrayal of the characters. One film I believe illustrates these ideologies is Quentin Tarantino’s film Pulp Fiction. Released when postmodern films were at its peek. Pulp Fiction has to be one of cinemas most iconic films of all time. Due to the uncertainty of the characters and the stylised yet ambiguous nature of the plot, Pulp fiction is not only to be branded intriguing but also a great example of postmodern. Work by theorists such as Fredric Jameson, will be looked at to help with the analysis of the chosen film. By doing so this helps prove that key concepts which are present within the film such as pastiche, irony, fragmentation and parody are perceptions that together make up a postmodern film proving that pulp fiction is a good illustration. The use of pastiche is present throughout the film. Pastiche allows the emergence of differing techniques to form together in order to create a new structure. Replications of renowned film makers work has been used in order for an updated equally creative film to be produced. Anything from words, phrases, visual, and musical patterns can be used, by doing so it demonstrates that postmodern film is a combination of a variety of texts, styles and skills. Many theorists have spoken openly about their disproval of pastiche. Theorist Fredric Jameson for example even goes as far as to refer to pastiche as a â€Å"dead language†. In the book Postmodern Culture Fredric Jameson writes about the decline of new art, he writes â€Å"in a world in which stylistic innovation is no longer possible, all that is left is to imitate dead styles† (Jameson,1995 ) Even though â€Å"plagiarism of older plots†(Jameson, 1995) occurs in some films it can be argued that by this technique being used it allows an ingenious reinvention of a classic, to be made. One of the first indications of pastiche in Pulp Fiction takes place in the third scene where Vincent (John Travolta) and Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) enter the house. When Vincent is directed to the place where the brief case is, and opens it he is to be met by a bright glow, the scenes shows similar replication to a 1950s film in the film noir genre; called kiss me deadly. Where in both films the characters gaze adoringly in to the case, in Pulp Fiction the question of what it could possibly be is asked, considering the 666 (the mark of the anti-Christ) had to be entered into the case in order for it to be opened. Referencing to the 1950s is evident in the film, Marcellous’s wife Mia is associated with the 1950s quite a lot. The dialogue between Vincent and Mia is reminiscent to what would be said in a 1950s film. This idea is highlighted again when she chooses to go to a 1950s themed restaurant. The language and the setting break’s away from the usual formatting of the film which up until now consisted of violence. Mia being so much associated with the 1950s is rather ironic as you automatically associate the 1950s and women to be calm and innocent. We soon find this not to be the case as she is soon after shown taking drugs in the bathroom. Another example of pastiche within the film would be when Marcellous got raped. After his traumatic experience he tells Butch that he’s going to get his men to work on Zed with a â€Å"pair of pliers and a blow torch†. A line that was famously taken from the film Charley Varrick. The use of parody is another postmodern feature that is evident in pulp fiction. Like pastiche parody is also the imitation of a person’s previous work. Even though they may seem the same, the two techniques in fact contrast one another. Parody imitates film through cynicism whilst pastiche emulates true form. According to Jameson the use of parody emphasises a films distinctiveness through mockery, he rightly declares â€Å"now parody capitalises the uniqueness of these styles and seizes on their idiosyncrasies and eccentricities to produce a imitation which mocks the original† (Jameson,1995 ) The sarcastic tone to situations that can be considered to be serious are ridiculed whilst random partially irrelevant scenes are present at times. This technique easily can be seen as an attack on history however it also can be perceived as a humorous take on a scene or situation of something of importance. According to Linda Hutcheon â€Å"pastiche usually has to remain within the same genre as its model, whereas parody allows for adaptation† (Hutcheon1989). Parody allows the script to differentiate away from the original and become a voice and vision of its own, helping create a new meaning to the scene. Parody allows the script to differentiate away from the original and become a voice and vision of its own, helping create a new meaning to the scene. An example of parody is shown in the film is in the scene where Butch is a young boy. He receives a visit from a friend of his father who died at war. On first appearances you as the audience not only are intrigued but curious to find out what is going on. What seems to be something of importance is soon dismissed as the soldier goes on to talk about how Butch’s birth right was hidden up his and Butch’s fathers â€Å"ass† for seven years. Another element which is evident is the exploitation of words and situations being used in order to suggest the opposite of their intended meaning. Pulp Fiction explores this feature in the form of irony. The three types of irony used are: irony of fate, verbal irony and dramatic irony. Together the three different varieties of irony merge collectively providing a witty script. The scene where the two men in suits (Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta) approach the door and enters, is a prime example of dramatic irony. This is due to fact that we know something bad is going to take place. The audience knows more than the characters in the film, making us to wonder what will happen next. The sarcastic tone in the conversation Jules is having with one of the victims, too adds to the suspense as his tone is not serious â€Å"do you mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down? The dialogue is rather confusing as you immediately think that your interpretation of events must be wrong and once again are left not knowing what is going to happen next. Before killing the victim Jules recites a biblical verse â€Å"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother’s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will trike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee† (Ezekiel 25:17). The irony behind this is that he associates God with assignation. His act has now become justified in a deluded way. Whereas before God was associated with negativity in regards to Jules in the end it was the â€Å"divine intervention† of God that also saved him from the life of violence. Jules’ epiphany came when he was close to death it was this same epiphany that saved the thieves in the diner at the end. An example of irony of fate would have to be when Butch runs into Marcellous at the traffic lights. This is ironic as Butch escapes being killed due to Marcellous putting out a warrant for him. The scene continues to show irony as the two of them end up being put in a compromising situation in which they end up needing the help of the other for their own survival. Marvin’s death in the car is an additional case of irony of fate. He ends up being shot accidentally minutes after his life was spared. This is tragic as in Marvin’s case he was killed due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time. The complex nature of the film means that pulp fiction contains multiple storylines making it a story within a story. This fragmented form â€Å"deliberately discontinuous narratives†¦to suggest the fragmentation and breaks-up of formerly accepted systems of thought and belief† (Tim Woods, 1999). This particular feature is vital and takes place through out. The mergence from one thing into the next forces those watching to construct and figure out the story for themselves. Fragmentation has a real role of importance in Pulp fiction as the distorted storyline enables the audience to have empathy for the characters. The beginning of the film which we later find out is in fact the end, starts off with a mid way conversation between a man and a women. Only seconds into the movie and already the audience is left unsure of what it is they are talking about and what is going on in the scene. After a confusing dialogue between the two people which lasts only a few minutes the scene ends with a frozen image of the two of them. Not knowing what is going on is a theme which is explored throughout the film. Like in the first scene the scene following, too starts off with a conversation which has already started â€Å"okay so tell me again bout the hash bar† by doing so again the audience are unaware of what is taking place and feel the need to construct the story for themselves. A different example in the scene â€Å"Vincent Vega and Marsellus Wallace’s wife† introduces another character which the film later reveals is one of three protagonist characters Butch. Like the formatting of the other scenes a conversation is already taking place when the scene begins. The scene continues and Vincent and Jules randomly enter wearing t-shirts and shorts. It is only nearer to the end of the film that we find out why they are wearing what they are wearing. As the film draws to an end the first scene in the diner is explained in the last scene. The audience later find out that both Vincent and Jules are in fact present at the robbery. With his new morally correct path in which Jules wants to pursue he spares them their lives even though they had a gun pointed in his face. After an extensive look into postmodern film and the role in which it plays in the formation of film, it is evident that it is these features that make the films what they are, despite it contrasting the conventions of typical film. Borrowing plot lines from other well known sources, the use of sarcasm when imitating art, irony and perplexity are just a few descriptions, you could find within this genre. Even though at times these features have been questioned as well as criticised, in the end the final product at times are fascinating, a good example of this theory defiantly lies in the film pulp fiction. Pulp fiction forces the audience not to conform to the conventional ideas of film but instead consider a new way of understanding and acknowledge film. The concepts effectively add a new type of understanding to a collective of ideologies, allowing the reader to witness many different transitions that occurs within life through the characters. The relation between postmodernism and film has been openly criticised yet applauded by theorists. The lack of originality is the main focal point in regards to the subject with some theorist even referring it to plagiarism. Quentin Tarantino disproves this theory as his work is a prime example of originality and uniqueness that can come out of postmodern film in spite of pastiche, parody, irony and fragmentation being used.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mathematics Important When Looking At Australian...

Mathematics used in the investigation Mathematics is important when looking at Australian teenagers’ nutrients consumption. Different mathematics will be used throughout the investigation process, such as statistics, measurement and number. Statistics has become one of the major mathematics learning areas as interpreting and working with a number of data became important numeracy skills according to the development of new technologies. Different statistics will be collected during secondary research process. The collected data will be described, compared, evaluated, interpreted and displayed in relation to the topic in assignment 3. Number is important when looking and comparing statistical data. Quantitative data includes measurements and values, which will be the main type of data used in the investigation. Having a good understanding of numbers including decimals, percentages and rates is important in this investigation. Measurement will be used throughout the investigation. This includes measuring and estimating the difference between the Australian teenagers’ diet and the recommended diet by health professionals. Selecting appropriate metric units is important, for example kilocalorie (kcal) and calories (cal) when comparing energy consumption. Data Collection Data collection is important in this investigation. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be collected. Quantitative data is a form of numeric data which includes measurement and values. Various numericShow MoreRelatedA Critical Aspects Of The Relationship Between Australia And Australia931 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Obesity became one of the major health concerns in Australia. According to Malicdem (2015), teenagers in Australia were successful of avoiding bad habits such as consuming alcohol, smoking or drugs. However, obesity still remained as one of the major health problems. 27 percent of young Australians aged 12 to 24 were considered as overweight. 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