Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mathematics Important When Looking At Australian...

Mathematics used in the investigation Mathematics is important when looking at Australian teenagers’ nutrients consumption. Different mathematics will be used throughout the investigation process, such as statistics, measurement and number. Statistics has become one of the major mathematics learning areas as interpreting and working with a number of data became important numeracy skills according to the development of new technologies. Different statistics will be collected during secondary research process. The collected data will be described, compared, evaluated, interpreted and displayed in relation to the topic in assignment 3. Number is important when looking and comparing statistical data. Quantitative data includes measurements and values, which will be the main type of data used in the investigation. Having a good understanding of numbers including decimals, percentages and rates is important in this investigation. Measurement will be used throughout the investigation. This includes measuring and estimating the difference between the Australian teenagers’ diet and the recommended diet by health professionals. Selecting appropriate metric units is important, for example kilocalorie (kcal) and calories (cal) when comparing energy consumption. Data Collection Data collection is important in this investigation. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be collected. Quantitative data is a form of numeric data which includes measurement and values. Various numericShow MoreRelatedA Critical Aspects Of The Relationship Between Australia And Australia931 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Obesity became one of the major health concerns in Australia. According to Malicdem (2015), teenagers in Australia were successful of avoiding bad habits such as consuming alcohol, smoking or drugs. However, obesity still remained as one of the major health problems. 27 percent of young Australians aged 12 to 24 were considered as overweight. 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