Monday, February 3, 2020

A study of traffic noise affecting residential building along Essay

A study of traffic noise affecting residential building along expressways - Essay Example (Wiberg, Mardh, 2008). Hong Kong can be considered as one of the densest cities in the world facing traffic noises issues especially with the growth in the economy leading to the demand for housing and transportation. Different people react differently to the level of noise. However, at certain level, noise starts affecting everyone in the form of irritating and frustrating people (Environmental Protection Department (2006). Noises can also affect the daily activities of life like watching television, talking over the telephone and doing household chores. Just like any other metropolitan city; Hong Kong also faces noise issues and more than 1 million people have been affected by it in last few years. (Amundsen, Klaeboe, 2005) Excess traffic noises can be considered as the major reason behind the noise pollution that is mainly because of the poor planning leading to cramped development of residential properties alongside the highways (Crawshaw, 2008) Moreover, the growth and developme nt in 80s and 90s marked serious noise pollutions along with a rise in residential properties and constructions. ... With land paucity, constructors are forced to look for lands that are outside the city and next to expressways. However, living alongside the expressways has its own disadvantages in the form of being exposed to high level of traffic sounds at wee hours along with getting affected by heavy vehicles sounds. The government cannot stop the movement of vehicles on expressways and therefore is bound to look for other options that can help residents to bear with the increasing traffic sound on expressways (Wiberg, Mardh, 2008) The government can improve the quality of roads along but the numbers of cars, lorries and trucks increase during nights that affect the sleep pattern of people considering the sound created by moving vehicles. The concept of low noise road surfacing can be considered as an option to mitigate the level of noise pollution but the concept requires time and research to be implemented and more importantly it requires huge investment considering the number of highways in Hong Kong. As per the information collected from the website of HKSAR Government, it was found that a number of flyovers and expressways cut though the main district of the city and people living beside such flyovers and expressways have been greatly affected by the traffic noise in last few years. The government stated that because of the previously built flyovers and expressways and currently developed urban areas, there have been some serious concerns over the quality of life among residents. Despite the introduction of planning standards and the Environmental Impact Assessment, there cannot be done anything that will reduce the level of traffic noises instantly (HKSAR Government (2012) 2.0 BACKGROUND TO THE

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